Mobility is a buzzword in the running world – but what does it actually mean? Do the claims hold up that having more mobility will help you run faster? If so, do you need a complicated mobility routine? On episode 102 of the Tread Lightly Podcast, Amanda and I sort through the trends and the research to bring you a practical approach to mobility for runners.
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This episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their Muscle Health Plus contains third-party tested creatine monohydrate, BCAAs, and other ingredients to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle mass and strength. Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The difference between mobility and flexibility
- Why does mobility matter for runners?
- The relationship between mobility, flexibility, and running economy
- Does greater mobility reduce your injury risk?
- Does foam rolling improve mobility?
- How to do mobility exercises
- How to incorporate mobility into your running plan
- Special considerations for hypermobile athlete
- Does yoga count as mobility?
Want to learn more? You may also enjoy:
- Haff & Triplett, Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. Human Kinetics.
- Dicharry, Jay. Running Rewired. 2nd edition.
- PMID: 38446400
- PMID: 19050648